#0: output T occurs at most twice before input H (! (true U iH) | ((! oT & ! iH) U (iH | ((oT & ! iH) U (iH | ((! oT & ! iH) U (iH | ((oT & ! iH) U (iH | (! oT U iH)))))))))) #1: output R does never occur after output T (false R (! oT | (false R ! oR))) #2: output X occurs after input C ((false R ! iC) | (true U (iC & (true U oX)))) #3: output T occurs at most twice (! oT WU (oT WU (! oT WU (oT WU (false R ! oT))))) #4: output Z does never occur after output V until input H (false R (! (oV & ! iH) | (! oZ WU iH))) #5: output X does never occur after output S until output U (false R (! (oS & ! oU) | (! oX WU oU))) #6: output Z occurs at most twice (! oZ WU (oZ WU (! oZ WU (oZ WU (false R ! oZ))))) #7: output S does never occur before input J (! oS WU iJ) #8: output Y does never occur (false R ! oY) #9: output T does never occur before input B (! oT WU iB) #10: output V precedes output R (! oR WU oV) #11: output R does never occur before input H (! oR WU iH) #12: input C precedes output R before output S (! (true U oS) | (! oR U (iC | oS))) #13: output Q occurs after input E ((false R ! iE) | (true U (iE & (true U oQ)))) #14: output Z occurs eventually (true U oZ) #15: output R precedes output Y before input J (! (true U iJ) | (! oY U (oR | iJ))) #16: output T occurs after input B ((false R ! iB) | (true U (iB & (true U oT)))) #17: output T occurs before output V (! oV WU (oT & ! oV)) #18: output X does never occur (false R ! oX) #19: output Z precedes output Y (! oY WU oZ) #20: input J precedes output X (! oX WU iJ) #21: output W does never occur before input D (! oW WU iD) #22: output W occurs at most twice before input A (! (true U iA) | ((! oW & ! iA) U (iA | ((oW & ! iA) U (iA | ((! oW & ! iA) U (iA | ((oW & ! iA) U (iA | (! oW U iA)))))))))) #23: output Y does never occur between input H and input B (false R (! ((iH & ! iB) & (true U iB)) | (! oY U iB))) #24: output Z occurs before input E (! iE WU (oZ & ! iE)) #25: output Z does never occur between output X and output Y (false R (! ((oX & ! oY) & (true U oY)) | (! oZ U oY))) #26: output X responds to output Q (false R (! oQ | (true U oX))) #27: output T occurs between input I and input H (false R (! (iI & ! iH) | (! iH WU (oT & ! iH)))) #28: output T occurs before output Q (! oQ WU (oT & ! oQ)) #29: output V occurs before input B (! iB WU (oV & ! iB)) #30: output T responds to output W (false R (! oW | (true U oT))) #31: output Z does never occur after output W (false R (! oW | (false R ! oZ))) #32: output S does never occur after output Y (false R (! oY | (false R ! oS))) #33: output Q occurs between output Z and input J (false R (! (oZ & ! iJ) | (! iJ WU (oQ & ! iJ)))) #34: output U occurs after output W until output T (false R (! (oW & ! oT) | (! oT U (oU & ! oT)))) #35: output V occurs before input F (! iF WU (oV & ! iF)) #36: output X responds to input H (false R (! iH | (true U oX))) #37: output Q occurs after input F ((false R ! iF) | (true U (iF & (true U oQ)))) #38: output R occurs at most twice before input B (! (true U iB) | ((! oR & ! iB) U (iB | ((oR & ! iB) U (iB | ((! oR & ! iB) U (iB | ((oR & ! iB) U (iB | (! oR U iB)))))))))) #39: output U occurs at most twice before output W (! (true U oW) | ((! oU & ! oW) U (oW | ((oU & ! oW) U (oW | ((! oU & ! oW) U (oW | ((oU & ! oW) U (oW | (! oU U oW)))))))))) #40: output V does never occur (false R ! oV) #41: output U occurs before input C (! iC WU (oU & ! iC)) #42: output Q occurs at most twice before input H (! (true U iH) | ((! oQ & ! iH) U (iH | ((oQ & ! iH) U (iH | ((! oQ & ! iH) U (iH | ((oQ & ! iH) U (iH | (! oQ U iH)))))))))) #43: output R occurs between input D and output W (false R (! (iD & ! oW) | (! oW WU (oR & ! oW)))) #44: output Z occurs before output U (! oU WU (oZ & ! oU)) #45: output W does never occur after output X until output Y (false R (! (oX & ! oY) | (! oW WU oY))) #46: output V does never occur before input C (! oV WU iC) #47: output T does never occur before input H (! oT WU iH) #48: output R does never occur (false R ! oR) #49: output W occurs at most twice before input H (! (true U iH) | ((! oW & ! iH) U (iH | ((oW & ! iH) U (iH | ((! oW & ! iH) U (iH | ((oW & ! iH) U (iH | (! oW U iH)))))))))) #50: output V responds to input I (false R (! iI | (true U oV))) #51: output U does never occur before output T (! oU WU oT) #52: output R does never occur after input J (false R (! iJ | (false R ! oR))) #53: output V occurs after output S until input C (false R (! (oS & ! iC) | (! iC U (oV & ! iC)))) #54: output R does never occur (false R ! oR) #55: output Q does never occur after output U until output V (false R (! (oU & ! oV) | (! oQ WU oV))) #56: output Z occurs between output W and output Q (false R (! (oW & ! oQ) | (! oQ WU (oZ & ! oQ)))) #57: output R precedes output Y (! oY WU oR) #58: output R responds to output W (false R (! oW | (true U oR))) #59: output W occurs eventually (true U oW) #60: output S occurs at most twice (! oS WU (oS WU (! oS WU (oS WU (false R ! oS))))) #61: output Y precedes output Z before input C (! (true U iC) | (! oZ U (oY | iC))) #62: output Y does never occur (false R ! oY) #63: output V precedes output R (! oR WU oV) #64: output X occurs between input B and output S (false R (! (iB & ! oS) | (! oS WU (oX & ! oS)))) #65: output V precedes output T (! oT WU oV) #66: output X precedes output S before output R (! (true U oR) | (! oS U (oX | oR))) #67: output X precedes output S before input H (! (true U iH) | (! oS U (oX | iH))) #68: output V does never occur between input A and input B (false R (! ((iA & ! iB) & (true U iB)) | (! oV U iB))) #69: output T occurs at most twice before input F (! (true U iF) | ((! oT & ! iF) U (iF | ((oT & ! iF) U (iF | ((! oT & ! iF) U (iF | ((oT & ! iF) U (iF | (! oT U iF)))))))))) #70: output R occurs between output Q and input A (false R (! (oQ & ! iA) | (! iA WU (oR & ! iA)))) #71: output X occurs after input E ((false R ! iE) | (true U (iE & (true U oX)))) #72: output T occurs after input G ((false R ! iG) | (true U (iG & (true U oT)))) #73: output R does never occur before input E (! oR WU iE) #74: output Z precedes output V (! oV WU oZ) #75: output T does never occur before output Y (! oT WU oY) #76: output Z occurs between output Q and output Y (false R (! (oQ & ! oY) | (! oY WU (oZ & ! oY)))) #77: output X occurs after input F until output V (false R (! (iF & ! oV) | (! oV U (oX & ! oV)))) #78: output S occurs between output Y and input D (false R (! (oY & ! iD) | (! iD WU (oS & ! iD)))) #79: output Q does never occur (false R ! oQ) #80: output V occurs after input E until output S (false R (! (iE & ! oS) | (! oS U (oV & ! oS)))) #81: output Z does never occur after input D until input A (false R (! (iD & ! iA) | (! oZ WU iA))) #82: output R occurs after input D ((false R ! iD) | (true U (iD & (true U oR)))) #83: output V does never occur (false R ! oV) #84: output Z occurs before input H (! iH WU (oZ & ! iH)) #85: output W does never occur before input I (! oW WU iI) #86: input C precedes output R (! oR WU iC) #87: output U does never occur before output Z (! oU WU oZ) #88: output X does never occur after output R until output Y (false R (! (oR & ! oY) | (! oX WU oY))) #89: output W does never occur after output Q (false R (! oQ | (false R ! oW))) #90: input D precedes output W (! oW WU iD) #91: output U does never occur (false R ! oU) #92: output X responds to output Y (false R (! oY | (true U oX))) #93: output U does never occur between output W and input H (false R (! ((oW & ! iH) & (true U iH)) | (! oU U iH))) #94: output U does never occur between input H and output R (false R (! ((iH & ! oR) & (true U oR)) | (! oU U oR))) #95: output W responds to output S (false R (! oS | (true U oW))) #96: output U occurs after output V ((false R ! oV) | (true U (oV & (true U oU)))) #97: output Y occurs after output R until input A (false R (! (oR & ! iA) | (! iA U (oY & ! iA)))) #98: output Z responds to input D (false R (! iD | (true U oZ))) #99: output Z does never occur before output Y (! oZ WU oY)